Add sidebar to browser extenision

Sometimes it's more convenient to have Fleeting Notes in a sidebar while taking notes. This is especially helpful if you are watching a video or taking notes on a long article / PDF.

How to use the Chrome sidebar

  1. Download and install the Chrome extension
  2. Click the sidebar button (Top Right)
  3. Click "Reading List" drop down and select "Fleeting Notes" Export-1694274630524.gif

How to use the Firefox sidebar

  1. Download and install the Firefox extension
  2. Add the sidebar button to your toolbar
  3. Select Fleeting Notes in the dropdown Export-1694275062785.gif

How to use the Vivaldi sidebar

  1. Open the Vivaldi browser
  2. Click the + sign on the left sidebar
  3. Add as a web panel Export-1694286345719.gif